Run It Once Poker has stopped gameplay as of January 3rd, 2022. Learn More

streamR Non-Compete and Promotion Clause

  1. Preliminary:

    1. This is to be considered and understood as an additional section to the streamR Terms and Conditions which govern the relationship between you (the “streamer”, the “user”, or “you”) and Run It Once Ltd. (the “company”) insofar as it relates to the availability, operation and usage of the “steamR” promotion and any other elements related thereto as outlined in Section 3.1 of the said Terms and Conditions.
    2. Unless otherwise is explicitly stated within this addendum, nothing herein is to be construed as varying, annulling, replacing, or otherwise affecting the generality of the application of the terms which you have already consented to and agreed to be bound by when registering to participate in the “streamR” promotion. Any and all terms herein stand without prejudice to, and are subject to, the generality of such aforementioned terms and the General Terms and Conditions.
    3. By consenting to the terms within this Addendum by means of a written response signifying your consent, submitted in either a physical or electronic format, you accept the full application of these terms and any effects emanating therefrom.
  2. Non-Compete
    1. You shall not, for the continued duration of your participation in the promotion and for the six (6) months immediately subsequent to the termination of such participation in accordance with section 10, directly promote, advertise or publicize any gaming product or service consisting of or featuring online poker games, and which does not belong to the company. Provided that the terms “directly promote, advertise or publicize” shall be construed as meaning your participation in any promotion or scheme with a third party which is materially similar to the streamR promotion; or your affiliation with or engagement by a third party wherein you receive any benefit, incentive or reward of whatsoever nature in return for you providing public exposure in any way or by any means to any product or service as aforementioned.
    2. For the avoidance of any doubt, the last preceding clause is not to be understood as restricting you in any way from using the streaming account registered with the company as per section 11A to stream any other content not relating to the promotion (including your use of online poker games on products or services not belonging to the company), provided that such activity does not fall within the scope of the last preceding clause.

  3. Affiliation Benefits:

    1. The company, by virtue of a separate Agreement made with Run It Once Inc. (a company registered in the State of Nevada, having its office at 1919, S Jones Blvd., Ste G., Las Vegas NV89146) shall make available to you an Affiliation relationship with said Run It Once Inc., in accordance with the terms specified in the relevant agreement concerning such relationship which shall be made available to you by the company. You agree and accept that the entirety of the Affiliation relationship between yourself and Run It Once Inc. is to be governed by the aforementioned terms, and that any disputes relating thereto are to be construed as being solely between yourself and Run It Once Inc.